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Improve quality and production efficiency. The uniformity, thickness, band gap, roughness, reflectance, and other physical properties are all critical parameters which influence PV device performance and can be measured and controlled during the process. The kSA BandiT PV metrology tool is based on real-time spectroscopy of diffusely and specularly reflected light as measured in-line during solar panel manufacturing. kSA BandiT PV is applicable to materials which are deposited onto glass, metal back-coated, flexible, or semiconductor substrates. All components used are solid state, with no moving parts, to ensure highest performance and reliability. Full PV panel characterization is possible with BandiT PV�s real-time process control capabilities. Discover more at http://www.k-space.com/products/bandit-pv/. k-Space Associates, Inc. Leaders In Thin-Film Characterization

Contact:   Website: http://www.k-space.com/products/bandit-pv/
Phone: +1 734-426-7977   Email: requestinfo@k-space.com
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